The dream in which you see some kind of religious symbol, indicates your desire to get more in touch with yourself and spiritual world. To dream about the religious symbol could also be interpreted as the suggestion to be aware with your inner thoughts and emotions, try to find deep connection with another world, because you are too grounded. Sometimes the religious symbol could simply be a reflection how deep religious you are in your waking life.

To dream of any religious symbol, means that you are looking for deeper connection with divine aspects of your life. You are trying to make the connection with your spiritual world. Sometimes the dream suggests to become more religious at some point, because you got stuck in material stuff too much. Sometimes very religious people dream of rosary or any other kind of religious symbols because their waking life is very much connected with the beliefs he has. Maybe the dream offers you to become more relaxed and enjoy the life it is.

The cross is very spiritual symbol which shows your views towards the life. Perhaps you are trying to find the connection with the world that you are in. If you are very religious person, pray a lot, go to church often, it is very normal to dream about the cross. The cross is also a symbol of the end of something. In many cultures the cross is not only religious symbol, it also indicates the fact that something has come to an end.

…Chains are a symbol of slavery in every aspect, like the psychological and mental auto- limitations that stop the self-improvement of spirit. In the religious area, it means to undergo religious concepts and beliefs even against your own thinking. And all this is somehow manifested in dreams, especially when there is repression. Dreaming of being chained suggests a change of life, perhaps a change of home, job or affections; it shows future of being in uncomfortable situation by improper treatment or because you aspire to something better. It indicates the inability to break free of what is bothering you. Dreaming of being chained but that you are able that break free, means that you can break free from what bothers you and you will succeed. Dreaming of chains indicates the risk of falling into an environment that is unsuitable for your personality. This usually happens when you plan to…

Skywriting in the dream represents the spirituality of the dreamer. Dreaming about skywriting, has also the symbolic significance of the secret message, which refers to non material or religious content. Alternatively, the dream about the words in the sky, in the form of smoke trails made by an airplane, stand as a symbol of the connection and the union between spirituality and materiality. Skywriting in the dream means that the spiritual realm and the physical realm are joining together. Maybe you have been looking for the action of removing doubts or fears. Skywriting is the message from your subconscious, that foretells complete reassurance for your success in the future of your life.

When you see the Menorah in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the days of one week. The Menorah is also the symbol of seven planets. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the grace, knowing and power. Consider how religious you are in your waking life as it would make more of the importance in your dream and its meaning.

The dreams about any religious symbol indicates your desire to know more about the spiritual aspects of yourself. Perhaps you wish to find the peace with your mind, therefore you see the religiousness as the help for you to become a better person. Sometimes the dream may suggest you to be more spiritual even if you do not wish being such person, because it will help you to become a better person.

The number twelve is very important for religious people as it signifies tranquility and safety. The number twelve is also the symbol of fulfillment.

To dream of any religious figure, means that you are trying to find the connection between yourself and spiritual you. The Virgin Mary is the symbol of your mother in some dreams as well. The tenderness and goodness of your mother causes dreams about Virgin Mary. To get better understanding about your dream, please also look deeper into yourself and understand what the Virgin Mary means to you.

If you see any religious figure in your dream, it means that you are trying to find the spiritual aspects of your personality. The Jesus could indicate the guider to better life and to inner fulfillment. You should reconsider what Jesus means to you, because only then you will be able to interpreter your dream. The Jesus could also be a symbol of your father and the relationships you two have.